Company indicators



Shared for related companies.


Amount of deal.

They are green in 25% of companies with the largest number of deals.


Shared for related companies.


No active claims and company on the site for more than 3 months.


Claim withdrawn less than 3 months ago or company on the site for less than 3 months.


Amount of non withdrawn claims.

Company status

Own at each related company.

It is marked in red if a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is liquidated, is in the process of reorganization, liquidation or bankruptcy according to the "For honest business".

Legal entity account

50Confirmed by payment from the company's current account. Is valid one year from the date of payment.
Payment from the details other than the details of the registered company cancels the confirmation.
50Confirmed by VAT scan.

Not confirmed.

Blocking on the site

50Company is blocked on the site.
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